Blacklist all the spammers !
Rédigé par Xavier - -
Last days I received lots of spams comments, about ~100 per day. I run Pluxml on my own server so I decided to blacklist their source IPs, with the following method :
- Make sure that all the spam comments are offline (waiting for moderation), make sure to validate all legit content.
- Exctract the IPs from the .xml files in the server (each comment has its own .xml, with a _ prefix if offline) with a script.
- DROP these IPs in iptables.
This is not really clean but it's a fast solution. Just be careful, don't drop legit IPs.
#!/bin/sh # awk '/<ip>/ {gsub("<[^>]*>", ""); print}' /path/to/pluxml/data/commentaires/_* >> ./ip.txt
Execute ./ you will get a ip.txt file.
#!/bin/sh # IP="./ip.txt" if [ -f $IP ]; then while read BLOCKED; do iptables -I INPUT -s $BLOCKED -j DROP done < $IP fi
This script will read /root/ip.txt and will blacklist the content in iptables.
This is volatile so don't forget to save your iptables configuration or your blacklist will be lost if you reboot your server.